Your Guide To Asbestos Removal In Ceilings
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on November 30, 2023
Many buildings constructed before the 1980s contain materials that are now considered obsolete and even dangerous. One of those materials is asbestos – a naturally occurring silicate mineral once widely used in construction due to its favourable insulating qualities and cheapness. Although it was proven and widely accepted that asbestos exposure causes serious health problems back in the 1940s, its use in construction was banned four decades later. Waiting forty years to prohibit the use of this dangerous material was a terrible decision, and we still feel the effects of this today.
Numerous buildings in Toronto & the GTA require asbestos removal services because they have been constructed before the ban. Damaged asbestos-containing materials release asbestos microfibrils, and if inhaled, these microscopic crystals can cause severe lung damage in the long term. Once they get into the lungs, the microfibrils cannot get out, continuously causing tiny cuts in the lung tissue. Depending on the severity of the exposure, this can result in chronic inflammation that leads further to severe diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. For this reason, if there are any doubts about asbestos contamination, the safest choice is to call Canada Restoration Services and get asbestos removal.
This is especially advised if your older home hasn't been renovated in a while. There are likely some materials that contain asbestos, thus presenting a potential hazard. The first place you want to take a look at is your ceiling.
What Is A Popcorn Ceiling?
Popcorn ceiling, stucco ceiling, acoustic ceiling and stipple ceiling are interchangeable terms that refer to various spray-on or paint-on treatments for ceiling insulation. Many folks growing up in the 1960s and 1970s remember these textured ceilings and having fun looking for shapes and patterns in the coarse material. This type of ceiling was very cheap and easy to apply. It also offered good soundproofing and easily hid imperfections due to its course structure. Taking all this into account, it is easy to see why the popcorn ceiling was a popular choice among many homeowners and business owners.
In the 21st century, popcorn ceilings are considered démodé, and most homeowners are looking to replace them with something more aesthetically pleasing. However, this endeavour shouldn't be taken lightly. Popcorn ceilings made between 1950 and 1980 often contain 1-10% asbestos, so any damage to the material can release the harmful microfibrils and create a risk of exposure.
When to Be Concerned About Your Popcorn Ceiling?
Visually inspect your popcorn ceiling without touching or disturbing the material. Do you notice cracks, scraped areas or pieces of material starting to peel? If the answer is yes, there might be a risk of asbestos contamination. In such circumstances, it best to act as soon as possible, especially if it’s an older type of popcorn ceiling. Maybe there is no reason to worry, considering not all popcorn ceilings contain asbestos. Some use Styrofoam or paper-based materials instead to get similar soundproofing qualities. However, considering an untrained eye most likely wouldn’t notice the difference between these types, calling a certified asbestos inspector and having the ceiling tested is the best way to find out whether your home is safe or not. Also, experienced professionals are able to notice more subtle signs of damage or potential contamination, helping you to reveal hidden problems early and prevent them from becoming bigger and more serious.
What to Do If Your Popcorn Ceiling Contains Asbestos?
Suppose you tested your popcorn ceiling for asbestos, and the results came back positive. In that case, the best choice is to disturb the material as little as possible and contact a professional asbestos removal company. An experienced professional is equipped with tools and knowledge that allow him to access the situation correctly and encapsulate or remove the hazardous materials with minimal risk of asbestos exposure. DIY removal is off-limits, because such a hazardous material should be handled only by certified individuals with experience. If you are looking for a trusted asbestos removal company in Toronto & the GTA, reach out to Canada Restoration Services. The seasoned experts of CRS are always ready to provide quality service and make your home asbestos-free. Call today and schedule your asbestos removal.