Why Avoid Kits for Asbestos Removal in Toronto
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on March 17, 2023
Discovering asbestos on your commercial and residential property can be incredibly scary, especially when you're planning renovations or starting to move in. To streamline asbestos removal costs, buying over-the-counter asbestos testing and removal kits can put you at risk for asbestos exposure. Instead of trying to do it yourself, call the professionals for safe asbestos removal in Toronto.
Canada's Restoration Services is Toronto's leading asbestos removal company, providing certified techniques to get rid of asbestos while minimizing risk.
Read on to learn more about why the best asbestos removal in Toronto is with leading restoration companies like Canada's Restoration Services.
Asbestos Testing & Inspections
The best approach to asbestos removal is comprehensive, starting with inspections and asbestos testing. When attempting to dispose of asbestos-containing materials without professional guidance, you may not be addressing all instances of asbestos on your property. Asbestos was used in the manufacturing and construction of a vast range of building materials in the 20th century, including, but not limited to, drywall, cement, insulation, and flooring. Professional asbestos restoration companies in Toronto will know where to look for asbestos to mitigate future risk of exposure.
Assess the Risk of Asbestos
The risk it imposes will vary depending on the condition of asbestos-containing materials upon discovering it. In Ontario, materials with 1% of asbestos contamination or more will require professional abatement from a certified asbestos removal company. Most over-the-counter kits and property owners lack the capability and technology to accurately assess asbestos concentrations. If a misreading detects less asbestos than is actually present, you may miss the opportunity to eliminate the mineral when necessary. When certified experts get involved with asbestos removal in Toronto, you can be more confident that any and all asbestos on your property is identified safely.
Avoid Cross-Contamination
One of the reasons asbestos removal in Toronto requires professional expertise and training is because of how fast and efficiently it presents a risk to people in its vicinity. From asbestos testing to abatement, incredible care must be taken around asbestos-containing materials, especially if the material is considered friable. Friable asbestos fibres can be easily disturbed by slight contact, causing the individual fibres to divide and enter the air, where they can be easily inhaled. If you're not adequately prepared with the right protective equipment, including your clothes and the contamination site, you can put all fabrics and surfaces in the area at risk for cross-contamination.
As these microscopic fibres travel, they can be challenging to detect latching on to clothing, couches, carpets and more, where they can be disturbed and sent airborne again, causing a long-term hazard.
Professional Asbestos Removal Toronto
Asbestos should be handled with the utmost care. And while it's understandable that you may want to tackle it hands-on with an at-home disposal technique, the safest approach is to contact a leading restoration company in Toronto. Canada's Restoration Services has provided homeowners in Toronto, the GTA, Ottawa, Edmonton, and throughout Canada with effective and safe asbestos removal services. The first step is a free visible asbestos inspection to help mitigate asbestos removal costs. Book yours today.