A Guide to Shower Mold Removal
Posted in Mold Removal, on March 22, 2023
When mold appears in our homes, we often don’t think about what caused it but how fast it can be eradicated. While mold removal in Toronto is vital, it’s important to address the conditions that could lead to mold infestations as well as the mold itself. High humidity, low ventilation, and the presence of organic materials lead to widespread and repeat mold outbreaks in both commercial and residential properties. Because of these conditions, infestations are usually found in bathrooms during mold inspections in Toronto, or simply day-to-day activities. If you suspect mold may have infiltrated your bathroom, contact Canada’s Restoration Services to book a mold inspection in Toronto. Free visible mold inspections will help you confirm that outbreaks are, in fact, present while minimizing your mold removal costs.
Read on to learn more about mold in your shower and how to remove it.
Why Mold Ends Up in the Shower 
Most professional mold inspections in Toronto focus on areas where pipes and drains are run through the walls and floors, because a water source is required for mold to grow and survive, which is why the shower is an ideal place for mold outbreaks. Every time you shower, whether steaming hot or cold, it creates a humid environment that attracts mold spores and perpetuates growth. When the shower isn’t in use, it’s a dark, undisturbed space that generally has low ventilation, making it even more appealing for mold spores.
How to Spot Shower Mold
While it may not be on your mind, you should keep an eye out for shower mold. Look for dark spots or patterns of mold around the corner of your shower, in the tile grout, or around the shower curtain. If you notice that any tiles in your shower are cracked, or there are stains on the wall surrounding your shower, it indicates water damage, which will also lead to mold infestations. While outbreaks can vary in colour, toxic black mold tends to frequent showers because of the abundance of moisture. Upon noticing anything unusual about your shower, whether it be the distinct spots or musty smell, contact Canada’s Restoration Services for a mold inspection in Toronto and black mold removal.
Where Mold May Be in Your Bathroom
If shower mold removal in Toronto isn’t conducted as soon as you discover an infestation, it will spread throughout your bathroom. It’s not uncommon to find mold around the corner of your wall and ceiling. Other hiding spots for mold in your bathroom include towels, underneath the bath mat, under floor tiles, or surrounding the plumbing system of your sink or shower.
The Effects of DIY Mold Removal
While you may be tempted to wipe mold away and remove it with do-it-yourself techniques to mitigate mold removal costs, it’s rarely effective or safe. If mold has infested a porous surface, like wood or grout, applying a bleach solution or a mold removal spray won’t eliminate it. In addition, exposing yourself to mold while trying to remove it, you may experience adverse health effects, like congestion, fatigue, and migraines.
How to Stop Shower Mold
To stop shower mold from returning, you must improve ventilation and control the moisture levels. Installing an exhaust fan or even just opening a window helps dehumidify the room and bring in fresh air. If necessary, repair any leaks or water damage that may be around your bathroom as well.
Work with Canada’s Restoration Services
Shower mold removal isn’t uncommon. Mold spores flourish and thrive with a constant water supply in a small, unventilated space. For effective and advanced mold removal, work with Canada’s Restoration Services.