Should You Be Concerned About Asbestos Tiles in Vancouver
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on September 17, 2021
While Vancouver is considered a young and fresh city, several properties may contain asbestos. The usage of the hazardous mineral peaked in the 1970s. As knowledge of its dangers grew, asbestos-containing building materials continued to be used in residential and commercial construction until the 2018 ban on the carcinogenic mineral from the Canadian federal government.
While it may seem like asbestos removal in Vancouver is unnecessary, the only way to be confident, regardless of the age of your property, is with comprehensive asbestos testing in Vancouver. At Canada's Restoration Services, our team of asbestos experts can effectively detect traces of asbestos fibres and determine the danger it presents.
When considering asbestos removal in Vancouver, look at more than just the age of the property, but the materials used. Asbestos tiles are present in many residential and commercial buildings, usually invisible to the public eye, but still present a significant health and safety risk.
Continue reading to learn about asbestos tiles in commercial and residential properties.
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a widely accessible and affordable mineral mined in all parts of the world, even in Canada up until 2011. Due to its durability and heat-resistance properties, it was popular in building materials, primarily between the 1960s and 1980s. Although used in many different building materials. Most properties built before 1990 will most likely contain asbestos in some way or another, but that doesn't mean newer homes or commercial properties are asbestos-free. Asbestos was used in insulation, drywall, plumbing, HVAC, roofing and even vinyl floor tiles. So even if you don't think asbestos is a threat, the health risks associated with the mineral make testing and asbestos removal in Vancouver a critical step before starting any repairs or renovations.
All About Asbestos Tiles
Asbestos tiles were one of the most common uses for asbestos because of their strength and heat resistance. Asbestos tiles can be divided into three overarching categories: floor, ceiling, and wall. To make these tiles, asbestos fibres were often bonded with other materials, primarily vinyl.
Asbestos floor tiles were popular for commercial properties because they would be more durable in high traffic areas over significant amounts of time. Vinyl, asphalt and linoleum tiles were generally used with asbestos backing and adhesives and could sometimes contain up to 70% of asbestos by weight. Asbestos fibres aren't visible to the naked eye, so the tiles are difficult to identify. If you're unsure if you have asbestos tiles in your commercial property, the wisest thing to do is contact Canada's Restoration Services for asbestos testing in Vancouver.
Ceiling tiles with asbestos were a great way to fireproof buildings and were frequently used for adhesives, ceiling treatments, and paper backing in ceiling tiles. Asbestos ceiling tiles can often be found in schools, warehouses, and even hospitals, generally to cover ductwork.
Benefits of Professional Asbestos Removal
Asbestos exposure can happen incredibly quickly. Most often, through the disruption of construction or renovations, asbestos fibres can be disrupted and released into the air, leading to many health effects, such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, or asbestosis. The only effective way to prevent the long-lasting health conditions associated with asbestos exposure is to get professional asbestos testing and removal services from Canada's Restoration Services.
Our certified and specialized technicians take all the necessary measures when working with asbestos, guaranteeing everyones' health and safety. We perform comprehensive and effective asbestos remediation services to ensure that your property is asbestos-free.