How to Manage Waste Asbestos in Vancouver?
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on October 20, 2021
Discovering asbestos on your property, either from routine maintenance or just by chance, is an emergency. Due to severe potential health risks, asbestos needs to be handled with the utmost care and urgency. Because of its hazardous nature and government regulations, asbestos removal in Vancouver is an intricate process, from inspections and asbestos testing in Vancouver to properly disposing of waste materials. The smartest move when it comes to asbestos, is calling the experts.
Don’t try to go at it on your own. At Canada’s Restoration Service, our certified team of asbestos removal technicians can streamline the entire asbestos removal process starting with comprehensive inspections and fast asbestos testing in Vancouver.
Here’s what you should know about proper disposal practices for asbestos removal in Vancouver.
Where You May Find Asbestos
Basically, between the1960s and 1980s, if builders could use asbestos, they did.Unfortunately, this means that asbestos isn't limited to a specific area in your property. It can be found almost anywhere. Common areas where asbestos is uncovered include tiles, pipes, plumbing, insulation, and even air ducts. Asbestos was used in many applications and building materials for commercial and residential property due to its heat resistance, durability, and affordability.
If you want to guarantee that your property is asbestos-free, contact Canada's Restoration Services for asbestos testing in Vancouver. Our comprehensive inspections can determine where asbestos might be, what type of asbestos may be present, and how to effectively eliminate it.
The Asbestos Removal Process
Asbestos removal in Vancouver is a meticulous process that should only be done by professionals. It might be tempting to try and do it yourself, but if you try and do it yourself, you are seriously risking your health and safety. When we arrive at your home for asbestos removal, we begin by completely isolating the area by sealing off all doors, windows, and vents to ensure that any airborne fibres can't escape the space.
When the process is complete, an air quality test is to be conducted to guarantee that there aren't any lingering asbestos fibres in the air. Finally, the dampened asbestos is to be packed into thick plastic bags and completely sealed. The bags must be labeled as harmful waste and disposed of appropriately.
Managing Asbestos Waste
Much like removing asbestos, disposing of it is something you shouldn't do yourself. To guarantee that it's done efficiently and safely, contact a trusted professional at Canada's Restoration Services. Because asbestos is such a hazardous material, it can't be brought to any landfill; it has to be authorized by your local government and approved by the Regional Environmental Protection Director. Once at the landfill, it has to be half a meter under the surface to reduce the risk of becoming airborne. It's critical to ensure that asbestos waste is airtight, and it's always recommended to double bag it.
Removing asbestos from your home is much more than just coming in and putting it into bags with a hazmat suit; it requires an in-depth strategy, HEPA filters, and safe disposal. Our certified and trusted team at Canada's Restoration Services can effectively eliminate any trace of asbestos in your home.