How to Manage Asbestos Anxiety
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on March 25, 2022
Given the severe health conditions that can come with asbestos exposure, it's normal to be afraid of the mineral. But for some, the fear of asbestos exposure can become so intense that it can cause long-term anxiety.
In most cases, the anxiety regarding asbestos can be managed with asbestos inspection services. Since in most cases it is the feeling of uncertainty that drives anxiety. Without inspections, testing, or asbestos removal in Mississauga, it’s difficult to determine whether the hazardous mineral is contaminating workplaces and homes, especially in older properties built in the late 20th century. Since symptoms of asbestos exposure can take years, even decades to appear, the best way to manage anxieties related to asbestos is with proactive measures.
The fear of asbestos is real, and Canada’s Restoration Services understands that. We’re here to mitigate your concerns and put your mind at ease. We recommend reaching out to us if you’re feeling anxious about asbestos on your property. Our asbestos inspection services will accurately determine if asbestos removal in Mississauga is required or not. Whatever the case is, we’re here to help give you peace of mind.
The Threat of Asbestos
While asbestos is dangerous, it only becomes a real threat if disturbed or exposed. The risk it presents really depends on the condition of the asbestos-containing materials. You’re at a low risk of exposure if the material in your home – say your vinyl flooring – is intact and in good condition. Asbestos inspection services in the Greater Toronto Area will assess the condition of your building materials and the mineral to determine whether asbestos removal in Mississauga is necessary to remove the threat from your property.
If the material in question is broken or deteriorating, it poses an extreme hazard. Many asbestos-containing materials are in a friable state, meaning that they can be easily disturbed and send harmful particles airborne. When inhaled, these particles get stuck in your lungs and can lead to respiratory illnesses, with a common one being malignant mesothelioma cancer.
If you think you’ve experienced exposure to asbestos fibres, see a doctor immediately and contact Canada’s Restoration Services for asbestos inspection services.
Properties At Risk of Asbestos
Buildings that were constructed before 1980 are likely to contain asbestos in one form or another. Fortunately, if your home was built after 1980, you shouldn’t be too concerned about asbestos contaminating your property. Regardless, it doesn’t hurt to seek professional asbestos inspection services to confirm whether the mineral is present or not.
Managing Asbestos Anxiety
As mentioned before, asbestos is only a real threat when disturbed and exposed. It’s also important to know that a single-exposure event is far less harmful than multiple high-exposure events. And to help ease your concerns, experts have found that asbestos levels floating in the ambient air are much lower than they were years ago.
The most effective way to manage concerns about asbestos is to understand the risk in your property with asbestos abatement contractors. Call in the pros for inspections, testing, and removal if necessary.
Asbestos Removal in Mississauga
The best way to conquer asbestos anxiety and achieve peace of mind is to have a professional at Canada’s Restoration Services complete an inspection of your property. We follow a meticulous and delicate procedure when inspecting homes for asbestos, as our technicians know where to look in your home and what they should be looking for. We take samples of any materials that we suspect contain asbestos and send them to a third-party lab for verification. If asbestos is confirmed, we move towards a full-scale, comprehensive removal of the mineral.
Contact an expert at Canada’s Restoration Services now to learn more about inspecting your property for asbestos!