Asbestos Removal Regulations in Toronto
Posted in Asbestos Removal, on October 28, 2021
When the health issues and illnesses associated with asbestos became widely known to the public, the usage of the hazardous mineral rapidly declined, and bans were implemented. While it was heavily used in building materials in homes and commercial properties in the 1980s, people now are cautiously undergoing asbestos removal in Toronto to protect their health and safety.
Even though asbestos usage peaked in the 1970s and 1980s, it was still mined and used for building materials in Canada before its complete ban in 2018. While the possibility of having asbestos in your property is high if it predates 1980, there's still a chance it could be present in a property built before 2018. As a result, it's recommended that you conduct asbestos testing in Toronto to identify any lurking remnants of the mineral with Canada's Restoration Services.
In Toronto and other major Canadian cities, Canada's Restoration Services provides comprehensive and in-depth asbestos testing in Toronto. If our experienced team confirms that asbestos is on-site, we can remove safe asbestos in Toronto.
Continue reading to learn about asbestos removal regulations in Canada.
Prohibition of Asbestos
Canada used to be the world leader in asbestos production, with the last asbestos mine only closing in 2011 in Quebec. However, from 2011 to 2018, asbestos was still manufactured in some products, like floor tiles, shingles, and ceiling tiles, allowing contractors to use asbestos in building materials in recent years. So for those who have properties built between the 1990s and 2018, asbestos testing in Toronto is still a smart move before renovations.
While there had been small movements to control and minimize the use of asbestos in Toronto before, 2018 brought the most comprehensive asbestos ban in Canada. This time the Government of Canada entirely banned the mineral under the "Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations" to eliminate the market for asbestos products and its use in residential or commercial properties. This ban prohibited the sale, import, use, and manufacture of any asbestos-containing product and process asbestos fibres. In essence, asbestos is not to be sold or used in any capacity to guarantee the health and safety of the country.
Professional Asbestos Detection
The government encourages that you call a professional for asbestos removal in Toronto. There are several kinds of asbestos, all of which have different applications and pose varying levels of risk. The Ontario government requires that any worker involved with asbestos is a recipient of the proper training that has been approved and administered by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities.
A professional asbestos removal service is, without a doubt, the safest and most effective option. Our Canada's Restoration Services team of IICRC certified technicians guarantees the complete removal of all asbestos traces with the safest and most meticulous processes. Once the asbestos has been removed, our team conducts an air quality test to ensure that your property is free of any hazards. We have got you covered, from inspections and testing to removal and disposal.
Asbestos Disposal
Like paint or batteries, asbestos is a hazardous material that cannot be thrown out with your household trash. Asbestos disposal must be at an authorized landfill, approved by your municipal government and the Regional Environmental Protection Director. The asbestos waste has to be damp and in plastic, airtight bags, and buried under half a meter of a landfill to ensure it doesn't become airborne or disturbed. Do not try to dispose of asbestos-containing materials yourself. Following asbestos removal in Toronto, Canada's Restoration Service will take care of on-site asbestos cleanup to maximize safety,
If you're worried about where to go, our team at Canada's Restoration Services can assist with disposing of the waste.